Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Moss Rock Festival

Since it is going to be difficult to get a head count now...we still need an idea of who is coming to the Moss Rock Festival to help out.

If you and your son decide to make it, though the Senior is getting a headcount by phone, just get on a bus at the designated sites and come over to the main entrance or pavillion and ask where to go. We will be assisting with what ever they need. Last year it was selling coffeee and soft drinks.

The uniform is tan shirt w/neckerchief or a Scout bolo and the rest of the uniform for the exposure we will normally get. the dates are this are Sat and Sun from 8am to 4pm or so with whatever hours the Scout can work.

Thanks for all your support


Dan S "Delivering the Promise"

Veteran's Day Parade

The Troop is marching, as we did last year, in the annual Veteran's day parade for those who want to go. We will take a head count at the Monday night meeting on November 3.

We will assemble at the Hut at 10:30AM on November 11, 2008, in Class A Uniform, with neckerchief and sash, dressed for the weather. Loaded on the Troop bus, we will go to CiCi's Pizza at the Palisades mall in Homewood when it opens at 11:00 AM....finished with the lunch, we will drive to the parade start point in Downtown Bham at 16th Street North between 11th and 10th avenues North. We should be back at the hut by 4:00 PM.

The cost is $7.00 per person for the pizza and soft drink.

Pack 321 is invited to join us from the start and ride the bus, at CiCi's pizza , or at the parade assembly point down town.

We had more than twenty Scouts and leaders, plus Pack 321, attend last year who received a patch and had a great time honoring the Armed Services Veterans. Please encourage attendance as School will be out that day.

We also need a volunteer to drive the Frank Tank.


Dan s "Delivering the Promise"

Uniform change next week

Don't for get that the meeting coming up this Monday will be in the tan shirt rather than a "t" shirt due to our normal transition at the time changes in October and April.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Shiloh early crew, Moss Rock Festival

1) We are going to need no less than about six leaders and/or Scouts to go on the early party to Shiloh with Mr. Smith to set up for the Troop on Friday 19 November. They normally leave in the mid-morning for the camp site in the Frank Tank and in a car or two. We need to know by this coming Monday (Nov 3) at the meeting or with a reply to me for this email....This is important for us as if we do not have the minimum we may have to set up tents after we arrive late Friday night.....The Senior Patrol leader will be asking the Scouts the same question through the partol leaders over the next couple of days.

2) The Moss Rock Festival is coming this weekend. We (Scouts and L:eaders ) usually support it by selling cold and hot drinks. The patrol leaders will be asked to check the patrols to see who can come in the Mornings and afternoons of each day (8-12:00noon and 12:00 noon to 4:00PM...I need to know by Wednesday evening to tell the Festival how many we will have...or reply on this memo..The Senior will also be asking the boys for this information.....

Thanks for all your support...


Dan s "Delivering the Promise"

Wreath (delivered by Scouts only) sales deadline extended

I can take wreath orders (for wreaths that scouts deliver only)as late as 3:00 p.m. next Sunday. Mickman extended the deadline.

Dr. Hamilton

Court of Honor tonight

Don't forget that that the Troop Court of Honor is tonight in the Reid Crotty Fellowship Hall of the Bluff Park United Methodist Church at 733 Valley Street, Hoover 35226.

This is a pot luck dinner, family affair, recognizing all of the rank and merit badges and other activities over the past six months that the Scouts have earned or participated in. If you are not sure what to bring, refer back to a few Troop web site blogs, it is broken down by patrol.
The Court starts at 6:30 PM, unless the Scout is a Venture II (former Grizzly or Hawk patrol member), then he needs to be at the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 to serve as the host patrol and assist with the set up.

In case he forgot, the Uniform for the Scout is "Class A Plus," or the tan shirt, green Scout trousers or shorts, Scout belt, Scout socks, Scout neckerchief or Scout bolo, and merit badge sash ( worn under the epaulette on the right shoulder).

There is a great three times a year program the Scouts have planned, so please bring your copy of it (the agenda) as printed on the Troop web site in an earlier email, and one for the Scout, in case he forgets his own. This will speed things up and remind him of what he may be speaking to.

The purpose of the Court of Honor is to recognize the Scouts, and Leaders, for all the rank and merit badges they have earned, plus other activities/programs they have participated in.
We will also recognize the past six months of Scout leadership and welcome in the next six months of elected and appointed leadership in.

We have many guest speakers (Scouts and Leaders and real guests) and some information to pass out for coming a activities. Mr. Simon will have his usual overhead presentation set up for us as usual also.

Finally, please don't forget to bring your Wreath Sales orders for Dr. Hamilton. They need to be mailed out in the next day or so. Popcorn sales deadlines are also coming up quickly.
Wishing you had an opportunity to drive the bus? See Dr.Hamilton or Mr. Young tonight for the opportunity of a life time.

This has been an exceptional past six months for the Scouts...let's recognize them for it and have the best of times also. Make it a memory.

Thanks for all your support...


Dan S "Delivering the Promise"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Troop News

Thanks to Grant Musgrove the meeting on Oct 6, regarding his climb to Mt. Everest was excellent in presentation and as earlier reported very informative. We will have him return for more specific topics in the future.

The Wilderness Survival Trip to Oak Mountain was also well done by Dr. Nelson and the information better than ever. Pictures will be pub'd on the Website in the next day or so.

Tomorrow's PLC and Troop Committee meeting are scheduled for planning November...the Senior Ast Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders need to be present. Please encourage his attendance. Remember since we have lost Mr. Gilbert, we are going to need help with cooking while on the Shilo site with Lunch and supper in particular...We will also need a good sized early party going up on Friday to make it work as well as it usually does....If you don't want to, or choose not to walk a trail, please consider helping with the meals. We need to know for the committee meeting tomorrow.

We are looking into the electrical hook-up aspect of the tree lot, again in Mr. Gilbert's absence. These issues will be addressed at the Committee meeting also.

Don't forget the Troop Court of Honor on October 27. Please bring your agenda and make sure the Scout sees it ahead of time to remind him of his speaking requirements, if assigned. Thanks for helping out with this.


dan s

"Delivering the Promise"

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tree Sales Assignment

Tree Sales Assignment is posted on our main website.

If you cannot do the time slot you are assigned to, pull up the troop roster and start calling somebody else to swap with. If you do find somebody else to swap, please let both shift leaders know about it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Troop News from Oct 13 Meeting

The Wilderness Survival Camp out is still set for this coming weekend. About 21 leaders and Scouts are signed up to go. Troop and Patrol quartermasters need to be at the Hut on Thursday night(Oct 16) to pack our gear for the trip. We will be carrying our water from the hut to the Oak Mountain Primitive Camping site and the Scout should be prepared to dress for cold weather or rain if in the forecast. The cost for the trip is $25.00 for fuel, entrance fees, and food. Most if not all of the merit badge should be completed.

The program last night presented by Mr. Grant Musgrove was excellent. It highlighted his recent trip to Mount Everest in Nepal recently and the rewards of being an Eagle Scout. Grant earned his Eagle in 1992 in Troop 21. It is also good to see long time members and Scouters Mr. Ed Whitfield, Mr. Jim Musgrove, his wife Linda, and Dr. Frank Nelson.

Thanks again for all your support at the Bluff Park Art Show. It was successful for the Troop as usual.

Thanks to Mr. Lepianka, Mr. Turner, Mr. Gunn, Mr. Eggeres, and Mr. Oliver for attending the SMLT last Saturday for not only representing the Troop but for acquiring the first phase of the adult leadership for the BSA and of course the Troop. This will be followed by the weekend at Camp Sequoyah on Nov 21-23, Outdoor Leadership Skills Course as the second and last phase for the "Trained" tab. These two courses are given in the Spring and Fall of each year by our Vulcan District staff.

Wreath and Popcorn sales should be moving along among the Scouts and families. Remember all of the profit the Scout makes for Popcorn sales will be his to keep to help families support the cost of the campouts or other Scout activities. The majority of Wreath sales contribute to our annual operations budget along with the annual sale of Christmas Trees.

Thanks to all of you who attended the visitation, funeral, and graveside services for Mr. Gilbert, attendance by the Troop was excellent. Mr. Gilbert, or Steve, or Mr. "G," was a more than a dad and a leader with us, he truly represented the ideals of Scouting with fourteen years he served with us. We will have picture memorial of him on the back wall of the Hut in the immediate future.

With Mr. Gilberts passing, we will need others to step up to our food prep at Shiloh for the Scouts and we will have to secure additional expertise in setting up the lighting at the tree lot.

November 11 is Veterans Day and like last year we are expecting a good turnout for the parade from the Boys who will be out of school for the day. Will need a bus driver and Frank Tank driver to make it possible. This year the Troop should be able to easily compete in the most "patriotic" and best represented categories. We will leave from the hut at around

Shiloh is coming up quickly and we will need leaders to volunteer to go up on the early party to reserve our camp site and set up the tents. Other leaders who prefer not to hike, as well as older Scouts who have earned the Veteran Hiker Award should plan on helping out in preparing lunch and supper on Saturday and two quick breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday. Since Mr. Gilbert is no longer with us, a leader needs to step up to facilitate the lunch and supper meals purchase and prep on site with other leaders or older Scouts assisting..

All first year Scouts should plan on attending Shiloh , with their dads to complete hike number 4 (compass Trail) to complete their map and compass requirements for their Second and First Class ranks.

Shiloh is our most traditional, well attended, and most fun trips we take each year...please encourage attendance to make it our best. WEBELO I and II Dens are invited to come with us to meet your camping requirements with the Troop for his "Arrow of Light" award.

Remember, we will be unloading our trees around the time of the Shiloh trip and the entire Troop is expected to help. We will also be setting up the Tree lot, the date to be announced by Dr. Tracy Hamilton with first day of Sales on the Day after Thanksgiving. A roster will soon be posted on the Troop Web site indicating what days the Scout and Mom or Dad will sell trees at the lot.

J Kunka (Chapter Chief) and P Kidd ( Asst Chapter Chief: Service) were voted officers in the Order of the Arrow, Nunnehi Chapter, which meets once a month, the last Thursday at the Scout Hut at the Briarwood Presbyterian Church starting at 6:30 PM If the Scout or leader is a OA member, he should plan on attending..the meetings are very informative and part of the Scouting Experience.

And finally don't forget the Troop Court of Honor coming up on October27..a family affair with all the details posted on earlier newsletters...

Welcome again to D Yarbrough and E Gibbs, and their families for joining the Troop.

A final reminder of the patrol leaders conference on Monday (October 20th) at 6:30 PM, uniform not required) Attending will be the Senior Patrol Leader, Asst Senior Patrol Leaders, Troop Scribe, and all the Patrol leaders to plan out November activities, line up the programs, and start planning for November and December activities in the Troop.

Thanks for all your continued support...


Dan S "Delivering the Promise"

Monday, October 13, 2008

Eagle Scout Project opportunity

This lady met the troop at the Bluff Park Art Show. She and Mr. Strunk talked about Eagle Scout Project opportunities. The following is what she email us.

First, a little about who we are. We are Spirit of Hope Youth Ranch, a 501(c)3 organization, who adopts abused and neglected horses and pairs them with children in need and at-risk with the goal of mutual healing. Please visit our website at for more information about our mission and ministry.

I am the head riding instructor and run the ranch on a daily basis. I mentioned that we have several projects that might lend themselves well as Eagle Scout projects. Here are a few. These descriptions are brief just for your consideration.

1. Nature trail for both horseback riding and human foot trail. Will require:
a. Clearing path, cutting limbs, clearing under brush
b. Footing for trail
c. Labeling native trees
d. Creating seating area by pond

2. Complete makeover of tack room. Will require:
a. Removal of existing saddle and bridle racks, etc.
b. Purchase and installation of new, safe saddle and bridle racks
c. Basic remodeling of entire room so that traffic flows better and more efficiently

3. Wash stall and exterior sink. Will require:
a. Some plumbing and electrical work
b. Digging out for and pouring concrete slab
c. Installing posts for crossties for horses
d. Installing large sink and hot water heater (already purchased)

4. Fencing pastures. Will require:
a. Running wire to existing fence posts in near pasture
b. Extraction of old fencing, replacing it with new posts and wire in new pasture
c. Fundraising for post and wire

I would love the opportunity to discuss these projects with you or anyone who shows interest in helping Spirit of Hope. Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.


Missy Cox
Spirit of Hope Youth Ranch
194 King's Ranch Drive
Wilsonville, AL 35186

Monday, October 06, 2008

Mr. Steve Gilbert passed away

For those of you that don't know, I have some sad news. Steve Gilbert passed away yesterday of a heart attack. Steve was a long time member of the troop with his son, Steven, attaining Eagle Scout a number of years ago. Arrangements for the funeral are being made at Peoples Chapel Funeral Home in Hueytown for Wednesday.
I will be contacting Mary Lou Kunka to arrange for sending a floral arrangement from the troop.
Visitation is from 12 Noon to 2 PM, Oct 8 (Wednesday) . Burial will take place at 2 PM at Highland Memorial Gardens.

Mark Branin

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Art Show

If you assisted us with the Art Show, you know how successful we were, in demonstrating our usual Scouting Spirit...Thanks to the Dunn's for the ice cream and Mr. Lanier (Woodsfruitticher) for the water we added to our budget. Pop corn sales were did not take off as expected.

Thanks to Mr. Quo and Mr. Branin, the Hut was cleaned up re-organized better than ever. The leaders and Scouts who were present during the day added a great deal of depth for us for the service they provided and for the spirit they represented the Troop with. Thanks for taking the time for this important event for us.Thanks to Mr. Simon activity pictures are already posted on the Troop Web Site.

Remember..we have three guest speakers for the coming Monday (Oct 6) night meeting..and even more for the following Monday night (Oct 13 (Climbing Mr. Everest by one of our Eagles) in addition to prepping for the trip to Oak Mountain Oct 17-18-19).

Finally, we recruited a new Scout, D Yarborough, and his Family( Wendy and Andy) this weekend...they will join us on Oct 6 for their first meeting with the Troop.Thanks again for all your support...


Dan s. "Delivering the Promise"

Friday, October 03, 2008

Art show this Saturday, Court of Honor Oct 27 is the agenda for the up and coming Court of Honor, Monday, October 27. Please make a copy for yourself and the Scout, especially if he has an active role. the reason we are asking him to present, if he is, is to give him the experience of speaking to a group as a leadership requirement and to have him become familiar with getting up in front of a group. Finally, he can use the opportunity for credit in earning the Communications and Citizenship and the Community merit badges. His presentation should be brief and less than five minutes so we can keep our times down. I've asked leaders to mentor/assist with this as to assure we keep brevity and a good idea of what happened to the point.

Also below is the list of elected and appointed Scout leadership positions for the coming six months. The list will remain flexible to assure maximum opportunity for the Scouts to acquire rank through responsibility.. ...Leaders serving as usually assigned mentors is meant as tool for the boys to fall back on for reference information or assistance along with the normal use of their own patrol and troop chains of command starting from the Scout to the Patrol Leader to the Senior Patrol Leader and to the Scoutmaster as necessary and as we have always experienced in the past......

Thanks for all your support....please remember trained and certified adult leadership are a critical to our long time and future success as a Troop....a through knowledge of BSA guidelines and having the necessary CDL' s give us the depth we need and require for getting the Scouts where we need to be as they plan our agenda for the year.

See you at the Art the may be easier if you are not in the early crew, to take the bus from the designated pick up points as parking is very limited, and exclusive, near the Hut and the surrounds of the Community Center. If your son was at the last meeting, he volunteered for certain times to be there...we have a great deal to do so please encourage his attendance as he will be expected....if he was not at the meeting he is still expected to help out..finally, this is a uniformed event for him in our making an excellent impression with the visiting public.

Troop 21 Wreath Sales

The multicolor brochure has pictures for all of the products we will be selling. Please put the prices on the brochure in permanent marker. Collect money in advance, have checks made out to Troop 21. There are two classes of products - those you deliver, and those that are delivered UPS.

UPS Delivery:
1) These are the ones called Holiday Gifts. The prices are:
Classic Holiday Gift Wreath $32
Victorian Holiday Gift Wreath $37
Wintergreen Holiday Gift Wreath $37
Wintergreen Holiday Gift Spray $32
Candlelit Holiday Gift Centerpiece $37
Holiday Gift Living Tree $37

The foldout page has "Six Holiday Gifts".
2) UPS delivered Holiday Gifts come with hangers!
3) Each Holiday gift needs a blue form filled out. Get additional forms from Dr. Hamilton.

You Deliver:
1) The prices are:
Classic Christmas Wreath $25
Victorian Christmas Wreath $30
Candlelit Centerpiece $32
Living Tree $32
Classic Spray $20
Victorian Spray $25
Balsam Fir Garlands 25 foot $35
Balsam Fir Garlands 50 foot $60

2) Use the envelope with the orders written on the front, so that you know where to deliver. You will receive this back when we received the shipment.

Turn in the envelope, Blue forms, and money to Tracy Hamilton by the Court of Honor, Oct 27 at the Bluff Park United Methodist Church.

Thank your for your support!

Tracy P. Hamilton

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Art Show, Wilderness Survival, COH, Wreath & Tree Sales

As we know, the Cumberland Caverns Trip was canceled due to too few boys and leaders wanting to make the trip with a resultant rise in trip fees that would make it cost prohibitive at this time. We will make the trip in the future when the interest is higher.

The cave trip is being replaced with "Wilderness Survival." This is a merit badge driven trip which we do every two or three years to speak to the subject and familiarize the Scouts with it's importance now, or anytime in the future.

Dr. Frank Nelson has facilitated the course many time in the past for us. This year we will go to Oak Mountain State Park (October 17-19). The scout should go ahead and get the merit badge book and complete all he can at home, the pass the rest off at the camp site. P Kidd and others can advise him on seeing the merit badge requirements on line..the book is also available at the Scout Service Center...and all of the requirements will be spoken to by Dr. Nelson in the Hut and in camp if the Scout wants to wait.

If he is going, he will have to be at the Oct 6 and Oct 13 meetings for trip preparation and information. They the cost is less than $25.00 and will be announced once a final count is made on the 13th for our numbers.

On this coming weekend at the Bluff Park Art Show.....

This is an important weekend for us....we need participation for all that we do..and shouldn't be written off...First of all we earn service credit to he Bluff Park Community and our Charter Organization for being there and assisting in anyway. The Scouts who were present at the last meeting have signed up for the hours they are going to work. Leaders in uniform are also required to help out, so spend some time with the Scout here.

What do we do? We sell water, ice cream, wreaths, and Pop Corn at our table from the beginning to the end. We have to set up our own area, plus help with the Bluff Park United Methodist Church Woman's Bake Sales by setting up a tarp and putting up tables. We pick up litter as we come across it, and carry the bags of trash from bag size box containers though out the park. We need the most help at the peak hours of 11:00 PM to 4:00 PM, for setting up and taking down.

The Scout gets credit for this for our annual service project, and himself for service to the community for the year, as required.

Since we are high profile during the day, he needs to be in his tan shirt, scout belt, Scout shorts, and Scout socks. He should bring a bag lunch unless he wants to buy a bar b que sandwich. The Hut will be open for guests all day also.

As stated this is important, we have done it for the past twenty years and will be doing it for the next twenty we are sure....unless he just can't be there..he needs to be there and sign in with the rest.

We will need some leaders to help us break down starting at about 4:30 takes about thirty minutes.

The Court of Honor is coming on Oct 27.

This is a family affair for recognizing the work the Scout has done for merit badges and rank advancement since the last Court in April. The Scout will dress in his Class A Plus uniform, or tan shirt, neckerchief, , Scout belt, Scout shorts, and Scout socks. Leaders who have uniforms should also wear them. If he will be late from sports or other activities, he needs to bring his change in a bag and change into them at the Church.

It starts at 6:30 PM, though the Host Patrol (to be announced on the agenda) will be there at 6:00 PM to set up the Room. Families bring Pot luck dinners and and additional dish to be announced. Scouts and leaders will make presentations regarding highlights on past trips and coming events, as well as important Troop business. We only have these twice a year, so please encourage attendance.

The Location is the Reid Crotty Fellowship Hall located in Bluff park United Methodist Church just off of Valley.

Host Patrol: Venture II consisting of the former Grizzlies and Hawk patrols. The Court's agenda will be emailed to you and posted on the Troop Web site..please make a copy and bring it as an agenda..also elected and appointed troop leadership positions will be accompanying the Court's agenda...please make a copy of that so you will know your son's responsibilities for the next six months and what if any responsibilities assigned leaders have in the Troop also.

Wreath Sales and Pop Corn Sales: Wreath sales are a major factor in our survival as a troop with a healthy budget. We have set the goal for selling 6 wreath per Scout (family)..please make a concerted effort to help out with this. Gas prices are not going down and maintaining the Troop's equipment and regular operations are not getting less. Each Scout is aware of the sale, call Dr. Hamilton for more details, and the orders are due on the Day of the Court of Honor.

Tree Sales: We do this every year as our major source of funding for the Troop. A schedule will be posted with all Scouts and family members posted on the days and time they are supposed to be at the lot along side the Bluff Park United Methodist Church. A mon or Dad is expected to be there with the Scout to assure we have the numbers to sell trees. The hours are evening hours and weekends.

We will receive the trees after the Shiloh Trip and set up the lot before thanksgiving in order to start sales the day after Thanksgiving. Please make sure we hwave help to set the lot up as announced; the more Scouts and family present, the faster it goes. If the family is supposed to be there on a date and time to sell trees, they should be there , and if not, they need to call another family to trade with them, at the same time advising the shift leader(s) of the change.

Scout Uniforms are not worn on the lot. He should dress for the weather, bring a pair of work gloves, and bring something to drink and snack on while he is there. The sales area will be heated with lights if he has time to study.

We needs to get the word out to buy our trees. Last year all of our out door signs (an accumlation of about $1800.00) were taken by unknown persons and some were donated back to us. During the first week we are going to need volunteers to put the signs up in high traffic areas and watch them for a couple hours to let the community know we are there. This is referring to all the new homes in the Oxmoor Valley below us, the Tyler road intersections in bluff Park, and the tri sign area in the vicinity of our trees. Simply: if we don't watch them they'll be taken and we cannot afford that. the volunteers can read a good book, or a listening tape, while sitting in your car. Please think about helping out with this. The first week will be critical to assure that the community knows we are there.

Finally, it will be announced when the Lot Take Down will take place....we will need full support on this also.

Thanks in advance to Dr. Hamilton, and those assisting him, for making all these sales possible and for Mr. Win Jones for completing the Tree Schedule and certainly to Mr. Simon for making this all available on the Troop Web Site.

Normally, the PLC (Patrol Leaders Conference after the Trip) decide who brings what, but we will be short on prep time once the PLC get here:

Venture I Pot luck meal and extra bread dish
Venture II (Grizzlies and Hawks) Pot luck meal and extra salad dish
Indians Pot luck meal and extra desert dish
Penquins Pot luck meal and exta salad or desert dish
Foxes Pot luck meal and extra bread or rolls
Host Patrol: Venture II (Grizzlies and hawks)

Thanks for all your support


Dan s "Delivering the Promise"