Monday, February 28, 2011

Bring these to the meeting tonight if you are coming to Backpacking

Hello Everyone,

I'm following up on Mr. Strunk's email from last Tuesday regarding a couple of items for tonight's meeting that are somewhat out of character for us. We're asking that scouts & leaders planning to backpack this coming weekend please bring the following to tonight's planning meeting:

•Trip Payment ($22 per scout/leader for fuel & meals) - checks preferred

•BSA Trip Consent Form (found here)

Collecting these items tonight will allow us to have a better accounting of who will attend & help the troop better track & manage trip finances. We anticipate this becoming the standard practice moving forward as your Troop Committee seeks to manage the troop's finances as prudently as possible.

Thank you in advance.

Jay Elmore

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Troop News

The Troop will be going on a back packing trip to the Pinhoti Trail during the first weekend of March (4-6). He will also have to be present at the Thursday night quartermaster meeting (March 3) to pack his and other crew gear. Leaders and Scouts who plan to attend will be required to be at the Feburary 28th meeting for a headcount, information, and planning. He will also have to be present at the Thursday night quartermaster meeting (March 3) to pack his and other crew gear.

We will need two leaders with follow-on vehicles for the trip (not including the Troop trailer hauler).

We have four packs available at the Hut for borrowing if necessary. If your son is an older Scout and has not back-packed, attendance is encouraged for the experience. The Pinhoti Trail section we will be on is a relatively flat and the distance is less than eight miles.

The cost for the Trip is $22.00 (fuel and meals). Please bring a check and the BSA Release Form to the Hut, Monday Feb 28, to assist with our numbers Count.

Congratulations and thanks to Mr. Elmore for stepping up to Troop Treasurer, replacing Mr. Oliver..and thanks and congratulations to Mr. Hutchens for stepping up and accepting the position of new Scout advisor along with Mr. Hardy.

As you know we will be welcoming more than 18 new WEBELOS this Spring thanks the efforts and leadership of Mr. Greg Stocks and Mr. Nevin Cox. We will be starting the transition this Thursday night at the Hut and formally at their Crossover on March 21.

Have uniforms your son no longer wears? Bring it to the Hut and we will re-circulate it in the "experienced uniforms" boxes for newly entering Scouts.

Thanks again for all your support and encouraging attendance.

YiS dan s "Delivering the Promise"

Monday, February 21, 2011

Camporee recap, Backpacking in March

The 2011 Vulcan District Camporee at Tannehill State Park was our best yet as far back as you can go..There were more than 400 Scouts and leaders in attendance from all of the Troop and Packs in the District (Largest in the Council-third largest in the US). We had a total of 81 Scouts, WEBELOS, and leaders/parents present and won more ribbons than anytime in our past. Thanks to Mr. Simon all of the pictures are posted on the Troop Web site at this time. Please take a look at them.

Thanks to Mr. Madison,. Mr. Branin, Mrs. Kidd, and Mr. Young we had our site reserved and the Canopy and many tents already set up. Thanks to Mr. Morrow, we used a gas/charcoal trailer cooker in order prepare breakfast for he WEBELOS (mountainman) and Grilled hot dogs for everyone for everyone for lunch.

Thanks to the earlier preparation by Mr, Young and Mr. Simon, The Troop won Blue ribbons for WOK cooking ( a three-course meal) and Back Pack Cooking, First Place blue ribbon and "most patrols participated" in cake baking (nine cakes entered by the boys), all the patrol won ribbons for activities during the day including first place for the pancake flip. Thanks to Mr. Crabtree and Mr. Lepianka and the other leaders for assuring the boys moved as patrols and competed in most of the competitions. The Troop competed in Foil Cooking, back pack cooking ,Wok Cooking, and Dutch oven cooking competitions and won a total of six ribbons. The WEBELOS also picked put Ribbons in several of their competitive events also.

Thank to Mr. Gunn and Mr. Madison for assuring all our camping gear was maximally utilized, set up, and taken down after use.

This year, for the first time in the Camporee past twenty-five year and more. history, the Troop assured the new Order of the Arrow, Nunne-Hi Chapter Drum was used ...thanks to Mrs. Kidd for transporting it to and from the event. P Kidd, E Kidd, M Gunn, N Bolding, S Hardy, and Mrs. Hardy and Mr. Lepianka made sure the crew had the volume, tempo, beat, voice control, and resonance for several practices and a demonstration for the entire at the encampment at the Camporee camp fire that night.

Thanks also to Dr. Nelson for assuring the Troop Monkey Bridge was set up Saturday, once the parts were all transported by Mr. Eggers Friday night.

Thanks to Mr and Mrs Eggers for assuring all the purchase and preparation for all the WEBELO meals during the weekend.

Not finally, thanks to Mr. Greg Stocks, Nevin Cox, and Chris Turner for coordinating the gathering and assuring the ease of all the participation in all the WEBELO competitions/activities with their parents during the entire weekend.

The weather was the warmest and most comfortable in the past twenty years, w/no rain or a threat of the same. We just had a great time a complete adventure as could be had in two nights and day that close to home.

If your son was at the Camporee, he needs to be at the Hut Monday, February 21, at 6:30 PM PM to take down and store equipment. Uniform not required..The more we have the quicker we leave.

If he is a patrol leader and assistant patrol leader he needs to be present for the Patrol Leader's Conference, starting at 7:00 PM..uniform not required..he should also be there for the equipment take down and storage.

The Troop Commitee meeting starts at 8A:00 PM...If you are not a member, plan to attend and join us for some Troop business...

Back packing is coming up the first weekend in March..he should have a compactable sleeping bag by now for this as well as a light weight sleeping pad, back packing footgear, and whatever else he feels required...we will be going to he Pinhoti Trail near Anniston..a relatively flat hike...We will take the bus and will require on vehicle to tow one of our trailers w/our gear.

Thanks for all you support and for encouraging attendance....

YiS Dan S. "Delivering the Promise"

Friday, February 18, 2011

NEW driving direction to Camporee

The road that normally takes you to Tannehill State Park (exit off of 459) is not useable due to their replacing a bridge. You can go that way, but the detour is lengthy and takes longer.

Stay on 459 and drive all the way through to 59 heading to Tuscaloosa. Get off on Exit 100, take a left off the exit and go over the Interstate and head down the road until you see a intersection with a building/country store gas station and keep right following the signs to Tanneyhill...the road will take you directly to the entrance to the park.

The Scout Camporee is located on the far side of the Park (primitive sites) down the road past the restaurant and RVparks, cross the larger bridge, continuing toward the parking lot near the Troop bus on the far side of the encampment. Don't stop to register at the small building as we are pre-registered as a Troop. Or you can park in the center of the first big parking lot and head up the hill toward the center of the encampment.

From the far parking lot, where the bus is, the Troop is located in highest point of the center of the campouts (on your left facing the all the sites)...look for for Troop's white shelter and Troop trailers.

Someone will always be in the campsite.

YiS Dan s
Delivering the Promise"


Remember..we meet at the hut at 5:00 PM February 18th. Please be on time as we need to use the daylight and time for setting up camp. If he is in a sport activity, please get him excused early as not to slow the Troop down... From the Hut we will go to the Piggly Wiggly in "Bluff Park for ice..then head out to Tanneyhill State Park.

As you know, he needs to eat before he arrives as we will not stop on the way for snacks and he will not be permitted to run into the grocery store for food items. He can pack a lunch an eat on the bus or eat when he gets at camp if no choice otherwise.

Please assure he is dressed and prepared for cold weather and/or rain. It can be miserable if not prepared for it.

The cost is $35.00 per person..If a new Scout, he needs a copy of his BSA medical form filled out as much as possible by the parent if not time to see the pediatrician, with a copy of the family insurance card attached in case of an emergency. If he is not with us at 5:00 PM and is not staying the entire trip, he need not pay the $18.00 out of the $35 for registration, but he will not get a patch for the weekend. If he is not eating all the meals..he can pay $3.00 per meal that he has with us provided he has told his patrol leader he will be there and his food was bought for him as part of the patrol. If he is not riding the bus, he need not pay the $5.00 fuel fee.

If the family is not busy, bring them out to Tannehill and visit with the Troop to get a good idea of our camping operations and share the adventure with the other 700 Scouts and families that are expected to camp and visit. We will have about 80 scouts and leaders in and out of the camp site all day while they are in between activities, setting up the monkey bridge, and individual and team competitions.

If he is a Phoenix patrol member or a new Scout, he needs to bring his Scout Manual/Guide for any check offs he needs to be passed of on and that we will have time for. If he is close to earning his rank, he should bring his book for a Scoutmaster's conference and probably a Board of Review. If he is working on second and first class, he should write the five and total ten activities in his book so he won't forget them for his Conference with the Scoutmaster.

Thanks for all your support and encouraging attendance..."He has to be there to experience it."

YiS Dan s
"Delivering the Promise"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Scout Sunday, Wok Cooking Sunday, Camporee headcount Monday night

Today's Scout Sunday was the most we have had in a long time...over fifty attended, making the impression that the congregation and Reverend Crotty was expecting. Thanks to all for your support and encouraging attendance..S Hardy and Mr. Scott made excellent presentations and the insert/brochure in the handout spoke well of last year's programs and activities.

There will be the OA drum team practice today at 2:00 Pm at the Metropolitan Church of God followed by Mr. Simon demonstrating WOK cooking at the Hut at 4:30 PM..S Hardy will also be demonstrating additional cooking..Great teaching points here for the Scouts. If your son is in the OA and passing this adventure up..he is missing all the fun it offers.

Remember if your son is coming on the Camporee this coming weekend, he needs to be at the Monday meeting for a head count and meal planning. If he cannot be there at the meeting, the patrol leader needs to know whether he is coming or not for our head count....

Finally....the Troop is required to have one or more leaders trained with Wilderness First Aid for every outing we go on. Right now, there may be none of us certified as the certification is only for two years (not three as we thought) and the bulk of us took it in 2008.

Please consider attending the Training Mrs Kidd is setting (see her recent email) up to assure we have the depth we need in the Troop..This is especially true for high adventure where each crew must have a leader/Scout certified in order to make the trip.....

Thanks for all your support and encouraging attendance...

YiS Dans "Delivering the Promise"

Catholic Religious Medal

Mr. Alvie Allison is offering Boy Scouts ages13-14 or older the opportunity to earn the Catholic Religious medal for Scouting.
Ad Altare Dei
He is a ASM in Troop 93 in Hoover and the Vulcan District Advancement Committee Chairman.
He is an active member of Prince of Peace Church,you see him as a Eucharistic minister at the 8:30 Sunday Mass.

The first class and information meeting will be Sunday Feb 27th at Prince of Peace Catholic Church at 10:30 am, meet in the gathering space foyer.

Alvies email is and he has a website of very useful information on earning the Eagle Scout Rank called

This is a great opportunity for interested scouts to earn the Scouting religious medal while learning more about their Catholic faith.
Please email and myself if you are interested in your son participating in this program.

Cathy Kidd

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scout Sunday Feb 13, 8:45am @BPUMC

This was a super Saturday if there ever was one for all participation in multiple activities:

Thanks to the Senior Patrol Leader, S Hardy, for facilitating the Troop Junior Leader Training (JLT) today, as well as the older Scouts who assisted, thirteen Scouts picked up their "Trained" tabs for completing it. The JLT was completed by 1:30PM and the Scouts and leaders continued working with B Debalsi on his Eagle Project for the Bluff Park Elementary School..he had more than twenty leaders and Scouts assisting before the JLT pitched in...He nearly completed the project with a follow up/completion scheduled for Sunday.

Wanted to thank Mr. Lepianka, Mr. Huthchens, Mr. Simon, for assisting in the JLT set up and completion details.

Thanks to Mr Nelms, and his son C Nelms and Z Morrow, as well as all the other leaders and Scouts who pitched in, they were able to split all the logs that were in front of the Hut's wood us a bigger pile of split wood has the potential to last a year or two or three of campfires. The hydraulic log splitter made a tough job a lot easier...they were completed by about 5:00 PM when the Eagle project also closed down for the day.

Don't forget Scout Sunday is tomorrow, February 13, at the Bluff Park United Methodist Church on Valley where we normally have our Courts of Honor. Pack 321 is invited to attend with us. Uniform is Class A Plus (merit badge sash and Troop neckerchief). Scouts and leaders/parents/families should be there at about 8:30 AM in front of the Sanctuary, for the 8:45 service. This is an annual event for us, counts for 1st Class Troop activities, and is a good sign of our strength as a unit if we have a a large number attend. The Service lasts for one hour.

Thanks for all your support and continued encouragement of attendance.

YiS Dan s "Delivering the Promise"

Friday, February 11, 2011

OA Election Apr 4

Troop Order of the Arrow elections are coming up on April 4, the same day as Troop elections.

An annual election Committee from outside the Troop will visit us for these elections.

The requirements for becoming a member are:

1st Class rank

15 days and nights of camping, six of which must be in a long term camp (summer camp) over a two year period

Nomination by the Scoutmaster

Once, nominated as eligible, the entire Troop votes for him by secret ballot

He must have the votes of 50% of all the Scout who are in a attendance..

50%, or more, of the Troop must be present for the vote that night

All Scouts, whether an OA member or not, vote for all the candidates, selecting those who based on their sincerity and acceptance of the high ideals of Scouting, best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives.

Phoenix Patrol Scouts should be very close to their First Class rank by this time of the year by having all the requirements met since summer camp last year.

In addition to all the checked off requirements in the Scout Handbook, they are required to have been present on a total of (10) ten troop or patrol activities, compared to just five (5) for the Second Class rank.

All the activities should be hand written on his advancement page of the Scout Handbook as he completes them so as to recall them at the Scoutmaster's Conference and Board of Review. If he has completed all the checked off requirements in the Scout Handbook, he should contact the Scoutmaster for his Scoutmaster's Conference in order to complete his Board of Review (by calling the Troop Advancement chairman).

If he does not meet all the requirements for First Class by the election this year, he should be eligible by 2012.

The Order of the Arrow is referred to as the "Honor Society of Scouting," based not on academics, but upon service to Scouting and the is for that reason that he is selected not for what he has done, but for what he will be expected to do for life long service under the auspices of the ideals of Scouting.

The Order gives him a chance to experience Scouting above the 'Troop level through participation in OA service oriented activities that he would not normally experience on Troop outings. Most OA activities at the Council level include the participation of several hundred Scouts, at the Region level, more than a 1000, and at the National level, thousands.

The Order also sponsors nation wide experiences in all geographical locations throughout the United States. He will also have the opportunity not only for fun and adventure, but to volunteer for further leadership roles in the organization up to including Chapter and Lodge Chief.

When he earns his membership, he is permitted to wear the distinctive Order or the Arrow pocket flap patch on his uniform shirt. He must remain active in the in the OA and pay his annual dues of $8.00 per year in order to continue wearing the flap through the remainder of his Scouting career.

There are three levels in the Order of the Arrow..Membership, Brotherhood, and Vigil. Usually, 100 per cent obtain membership, 50-75 percent obtain Brotherhood, and fewer than 10 per cent obtain the Vigil Honor.

In 2010, It had been more than twenty years since any of our youth in the Troop obtained the Vigil Honor, except last year (2010) when both Eagle Scouts J Kunka and P Kidd were nominated at the Council level, elected, and awarded the Vigil Honor by the Greater Alabama Council's Coosa Lodge. The Lodge has more than 2,500 members.

Scouts should strive for membership in the OA, as it is often seen as logical companion of the Eagle rank, opening, in immediate future years, doors to interviews and promotions for their careers throughout their life times.

Troop 21, among 28 other Troops, is exceptionally active with the Nunne-Hi Chapter of the Coosa 50. Thanks to the efforts of P Kidd, J Kunka, J Ng, J and K Berry, and the support of their parents, they formed the Coosa 50 "pre-ordeal" team for the last three years for all the Lodge's Ordeals and competed for honors at the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) in Indianapolis, Indiana during the summer of 2009.

Thanks to P Kidd, E Kidd, S and S Hardy, and N Bolding, they have formed a ceremonial drum team and will perform at the up and coming District Camporee, the March American Indian Seminar at Camp Comer, the Section Regional Competition in Georgia at Camp Thunder, and perhaps the National competition at the 2012 NOAC, again in Indianapolis.

Information about the Order of the Arrow, our local chapter, and the Council Chapter, Coosa 50, can be found at the web

Thanks for all your support and for encouraging attendance.

YiS Dan s "Delivering the Promise"

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Troop News

That we were busy last night at the meeting would be an understatement.. Thanks to Mr. Simon, Mr. Young, Sam Hardy, Mr. Gunn and all the boys and leaders who pitched in, we covered several forms of cooking, fire starting, and practicing for the competition for the Scout Law....all of the activities, all of which, thanks to Mr. Simon and Mr. Hutchens are on the Web Site.

The Troop's Order of Arrow members had a drum practice over the weekend, there are pictures on the web site, and will be drumming, singing, and performing at the Camporee while we are there..thanks to Patrick and Eric Kidd, Nick Bolding, Max Gunn, Sam and Scott Hardy for making that happen. We will meet next Sunday at 2:00 PM for a final practice..your son needs to be there if he want to get in on the fun.

This is still going to be a busy week.

Saturday February 12

1. B Debalsi's Eagle Project at the Bluff Park Elementary School..notice is on the Troop Web site....If your son isn't coming to the Junior Leader Training Program also at the Hut..he needs to be there to help him...lunch will be provided..he should be there dressed for the weather and to spend a good part of the day in helping complete it.

2. Troop Junior Leader Training (JLT) also on the same day at the Hut for all Scouts who have not participated in the past...Should be all the Phoenix patrol and some older Scouts who have not previously attended.

Uniform is Class A w/o neckerchief or sash and dressed for the weather..we will be inside the Hut for nearly all of it. Starts at 8:00 AM and finishes before 2:00PM Cost is $3.00 for lunch....will be taught by the SPL S Hardy and older Scout assistants/guides. This is the basic leadership course that will serve him for the remainder of Scouting and for the rest of his personal career(s) please encourage attendance.

Sunday February 13

Scout Sunday at the Bluff Park United Methodist Church on Valley. We will meet at 8:30 AM in the main sanctuary and go in as a group. As you know, BPUMC is our Charter Organization and has been for the past 66 years. We need a good turnout to show our selves..the entire family and Pack 321 is welcome..As in every year, the Troop SPL, the SM, and the 321 PM will be invited for remarks/comments. Uniform is Class A with merit badge sash and Troop Neckerchief. Long Scout Trousers should be worn without sweatshirts under the uniform shirt for uniformity.

Monday Feb 14 I'm going to ask S Hardy to have the boys who can to come in for the meeting at 5:30 as we need to make some cardboard and wax fire starters for the camporee and trips this Spring....If he doesn't get the message, through his patrol leader.... please see if he can come into the meeting any time after 5:30 PM to help out.

If the Scout is coming on the Camporee, this is a required meeting as we will be taking a headcount, planning Patrol meals, and making final announcements. The cost for the camporee is $18.00 per Scout/leader to register, $12.00 for four meals, and $5.00 for fuel for the vehicles..or a total of $35.00.

There will be over 700 Scouts and leaders in attendance at the annual Vulcan District Camporee at Tannehill State Park. If you want to visit and see the Troop and your son in full camping mode, please come out anytime during the day. The Troop will be located in the top center of the Camp sites. We will also be setting up the Troop monkey bridge in our area for a display and entertainment.

Thanks for all your support and for encouraging attendance.

YiS Dan s "Delivering the Promise"

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Troop News

Thanks to Mrs Cathy Kidd and her coordination efforts we took 19 Scouts to the Three River Merit Badge Day on the Bus to Jefferson 'State Jr College..thank to Col Charles Kidd, Mark Lepianka, and Mr. Simon for traveling with us and spending the are on the Troop web site. neat patch...

If your son want some tips in Wok Cooking Mr. Simon will be at the Hut on this Sundahy Feb 6 at 4:30...this is in preparation for the competition at the Camporee but with "tips for life" from a pro......

If you son wants to help out and learn a few tricks about back pack cooking, Mr. Young will be at the hut at 5:00 PM Monday,Feb 7 for some practice and examples...Sam Hardy may also be there in preparation for lesson is foil cooking for similar competition at the camporee....

We will be doing some string burning practice, thanks to Mr. Eggers and Mr. Simon also on Monday night as well as other knots and practicing for tying/lashing for the chariot racing also.

Order of the Arrow drum competition and ceremony practice will be taking place as noted by Ben Putnam for all the members in the Troop who will practice that or want to get involved by being at the Metropolitan Church of God off of Acton road in the fartherest building down on the right as you pass the main Sanctuary entrance. Haven't been there and done it yet..good time to start if your Scout is a OA member and wants to get active with the Nunne-Hi Chapter 2-4PM Feb 6 (Sunday)

If you haven't up to this time..take the time and go and take a look at the way Mr. Alvie Allison has outlined rank and Eagle requirements for the Scout..His handbook is exactly what the Life Scout needs in order to prep for his Eagle Project...or other merit badges which are required.....excellent information of leaders on training, Scouting, and other subject areas...

Mr. Allision is the Vulcan District Advancement Committee Chairman and he has this information in this bundle better than ever before presented to keep the Scout on track to Eagle..including the project planning guide he will have to follow for his Eagle Project in the Vulcan District. Make a copy of it for him to start thinking about if he is coming up on Life or there already.

Thanks for all your support and for encouraging attendance,.

YiS dan s "Delivering the Promise'

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

B DeBalsi’s Eagle Project, Feb 21

B DeBalsi’s Eagle Project

When: Saturday Feb. 12th, 2011, 9 AM- 3PM

Where: Troop 21 Scout Hut

Why: Building 2 rotating barrel compost bins for Bluff Park Elementary School’s outdoor classroom

Notes: I have access to an electric miter saw, drill, hammer, nails but may need additional tools such as these to keep everyone busy at the same time. We will definitely need someone to bring a post hole digger and at least 2 shovels (preferably garden spade). One person does not have to bring everything, just a small contribution from everyone will be fine. Donations will not be necessary, the project has already been fully paid for. Lunch will be provided.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Troop News

We had a one of the best attended meetings in a while...thanks again to Mr. Eggers (knots) Mr.Simon (knots and memory tricks for the Scout law), and and Mr. Young for taking the time to plan for cake baking/preparation (making home made chocolate frosting)

We re-introduced new Scouts N Smith (Robert and Pamela), Z Welborn, (Linda and David) J McKinney(Randy and Joan), and C Horn( Kyle and Debbie), all who joined the Troop last week through last night. Want to also acknowledge and again welcome C and F Hutchens (David and Tricia) as well as J Coker (Danny and Sandee) for their recently joining us for several months now. J Morris received his BSA Centennial Recruitment Badge as well as the standard BSA Recruitment Badge for recruiting Connor.

Congratulations again, to Mr. Branin for earning and receiving the District Award of Merit at the Annual Vulcan District Award Banquet last Thursday. Mark Branin has over twenty years of active service with the Troop and Council (twenty-one this year) in assuring the Troop's legacy in keeping the Promise of providing the program we are part of for the past 100 years. There are only three of these awards given each year for the entire District (29 Troops) within the Greater Alabama Council.

If you didn't have the Scout bring in the $17.00 for the merit badge day at Jefferson State this weekend, make sure he brings it in Saturday at 6:30 AM for our 6:45 departure. We should be returning around 4:30 - 5:00 PM..Thanks Mrs Kidd for coordinating this effort.

Next Monday will also be an important meeting for us as it will be the last one before the final Monday we depart for the Camporee....we will be finishing up all our activity practices....

We are going to be having nearly 30 or so WEBELOS I and II joining us at the Camporee this month for a total of about 60 - 65 when counting the dad or mom. The Patrols will be preparing their own meals as usual, but the Troop will be providing meals, as usual for the WEBELOS...we are going to need some assistance with cooking so if you can't plan on spending the weekend, let me know if you can spend some time during the day to help out with the three meals. The boys are going to be competing in all the games as well as setting up our Monkey Bridge in our area so we will be busy the entire time.

Thanks to everyone, and the special efforts of Mr. Steve Frost, we have completed our re-registration for the Year and obtained our status as a "Quality Unit (2010-2011)." Those late with the $30.00 fee (Scout) $15.00 fee (leader/active parent) should give the fees to the Scoutmaster as soon as possible to complete the process for the year.

As a reminder, summer camp registration is coming up quickly, and we will be calling all or partial payments for the June 12-18 adventure. The fee is usually about $205.00 for the week. Older Scouts who have their merit badges are encouraged to work the summer at camp as counselors and staff..this include room and board and pay...the time is well spent in leadership and team roles for a great time for all.

The Troop Junior Leader Training (JLT) is coming up on February 12 at the Hut starting at 8:00 AM. This is required for all Scouts to receive the basic fundamentals of leadership, in order to serve as the Senior Patrol Leader, and in order to attend the National Youth Leadership Training put on by the Council twice a year. If your son is active in the Troop, will run for Senior Patrol Leader, and will serve if elected, the Troop will offer a fifty percent scholarship for him to attend. Uniform of the JLT is the Class A uniform. There is a fee of $5.00 for lunch and we should be completed by 2:30-3:00 PM the latest. If your son missed JLT or has not attended and is older than the average Phoenix patrol member, he will be in the course but also serve as an assistant to the Senior Patrol Leader and the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader who will be teaching the course.

If your son wants to have all the fun he can stand, learn a new skill, and help out the Troop and Chapter, he needs to start attending the Sunday afternoon (2-4PM) Order of the Arrow drum, ceremony, and dance teams at the Metropolitan Church of God. The Scoutmaster usually attends and can carry three to four Scouts there. He needs to call P Kidd and let him know if he will attending. He also needs to be a member of the Order of the Arrow.

Thanks for all your support and encouraging attendance...

YiS Dan S "Delivering the Promise"