Friday, June 16, 2006

Welcome to Blog / Blogging Etiquette

Hello Troop21 family,

If you are part of the Troop 21 family but are NOT currently member of this blog, you can join by sending me an email of telling who you are and your valid email address and I would send you an invitation via email. If you do NOT currently have Google signon, the invitation will come with instruct to do so.

This is a tool/forum for everybody to converse and communicate in public which is not the same as the one way publishing on our regular troop webpage. Post your comments/ suggestions/ compliments here, however I would advise everybody to observe certain protocol, such as NEVER mention any youth by his full name (use abbreviation instead, e.g. J Ng), NO personal attack, NO "dirty" jokes and/or any objectionable contents. NO pictures of youth with names attached. Highlight ideas and possibilities NOT finger pointing.

The email list we have from the troop is for adults/parents ONLY. I would keep it this way, so NO youth will post anything at this time. Remember ONLY member can post/comment, but everybody in the world can read.

I am the administrator for this blog, every posting will also be sent to me. I know who post what. I can revoke any member and/or delete any posting if it deems necessary.

Observe the Scout Law when we blog and we'll all benefit from this. Happy Blogging!

Yours in Scouting,

Mr. Ng


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