Sunday, October 19, 2008

Troop News

Thanks to Grant Musgrove the meeting on Oct 6, regarding his climb to Mt. Everest was excellent in presentation and as earlier reported very informative. We will have him return for more specific topics in the future.

The Wilderness Survival Trip to Oak Mountain was also well done by Dr. Nelson and the information better than ever. Pictures will be pub'd on the Website in the next day or so.

Tomorrow's PLC and Troop Committee meeting are scheduled for planning November...the Senior Ast Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders need to be present. Please encourage his attendance. Remember since we have lost Mr. Gilbert, we are going to need help with cooking while on the Shilo site with Lunch and supper in particular...We will also need a good sized early party going up on Friday to make it work as well as it usually does....If you don't want to, or choose not to walk a trail, please consider helping with the meals. We need to know for the committee meeting tomorrow.

We are looking into the electrical hook-up aspect of the tree lot, again in Mr. Gilbert's absence. These issues will be addressed at the Committee meeting also.

Don't forget the Troop Court of Honor on October 27. Please bring your agenda and make sure the Scout sees it ahead of time to remind him of his speaking requirements, if assigned. Thanks for helping out with this.


dan s

"Delivering the Promise"


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