Sunday, July 12, 2009

Whitewate trip headcount /Eagle Proj./ OA Ordeal

We are going to need some help on the evening of the 22nd of July as described below by Mr. Griffith...As mentioned this will assist us with recruiting, assist the WEBELOs program, and help out with a developing program. If we have enough participate, we will take the bus and Frank tank.

Please remember...we have to have a definite head count for the trip this coming weekend (17-18-19) (whitewater rafting) ..besides the bus, we will also need some cars to transport to the Ocoee put-in.... so any one coming on the trip is required to be there at the Hut for the meeting this Monday ( July 13) for the number count and meal planning. If a leader and the Scout can't make the meeting and plan on coming on the trip....please notifythe Scoutmaster before the meeting.

Congratulations to J Ellis and J Kunka for getting their Eagle projects approved by the Eagle Boards.....J Ellis will be having his first work day on July 25 (with a hopeful completion), Saturday at the Hoover Senior Center, where he and his group will be painting the lines in the parking lot (more information and details to follow). Please encourage attendance to support J as he makes his announcement this week. The 25th is also a prep/briefing day (10:30AM at the GAC Scout Service Center) for those going to the National Order of the Arrrow Conference (NOAC) during the first week of August. There ar e five from the Troop currently signed up to go and who will compete nationally as a ceremony team representing the Troop and the Coosa Lodge (J Kunka, K Berry, P Kidd, and J Ng) . (

For those Scouts who were tapped out this past summer camp for the OA (B. Debalsi, S. Hardy, J. Taylor, S. Hardy, M. Gunn, A Turner, and N.Madison) .....They should be planning on attending the August Ordeal (14-16) at Camp alternative is Sept 11-13 also Camp Comer......Scouts and leaders who have been to the Ordeal in the past should also plan on attending to earn their Brotherhood rank if they are eligible...this will assist us with transportation needs....

Have ski boat and gear to help out with on the August water Skiing trip (August 22-23) ? Please call or eamil Mr. Frost....

Thanks for all your support...

YiS Dan s "Delivering the Promise"


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