Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Court of Honor next Monday 6:30pm@BPUMC

Nearly thirty Scouts and leaders were able to make the meeting and visit Papa John's Pizza Monday night, thanks to Mr. Oliver's effort in coordinating the trip...there were some excellent teaching points and a lot of fun.

Attached is the Agenda for the Court of Honor this coming Monday at the Bluff Park United Methodist Church Reid Crotty Fellowship Hall starting at 6:30 PM...Host patrol Penquians should arrive at 6:00 PM for setting up the Court. Please refer to an earlier Troop Blog on what the Pot Luck format(troop provides condiments) entails (food)...the Court is a family affair in recognizing the Scout and all his work since Summer more recognition for all the Scout and leadership has accomplished since then. Uniform is BSA Khaki shirt, Scout shorts, Scout belt, Scout socks, Troop Neckerchief or BSA bolo, and BSA merit badge sash.....

Please make yourself a copy of the attached Court of Honor Agenda...bring it with you to the Court...give your son a copy..and if his name is listed as a presentor...make sure he sees that and brings a note card to remind himself what to say when he gets up front...rather than " it was just fun." Basic leadership comes in many forms....sometimes in just making a stand up presentation ...."Be Prepared."

Several Scouts still owe the fees for the Water Skiing weekend ($37.00) ....please give Mr. Oliver a check for that during the Court of Honor....


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