Sunday, February 13, 2011

Scout Sunday, Wok Cooking Sunday, Camporee headcount Monday night

Today's Scout Sunday was the most we have had in a long time...over fifty attended, making the impression that the congregation and Reverend Crotty was expecting. Thanks to all for your support and encouraging attendance..S Hardy and Mr. Scott made excellent presentations and the insert/brochure in the handout spoke well of last year's programs and activities.

There will be the OA drum team practice today at 2:00 Pm at the Metropolitan Church of God followed by Mr. Simon demonstrating WOK cooking at the Hut at 4:30 PM..S Hardy will also be demonstrating additional cooking..Great teaching points here for the Scouts. If your son is in the OA and passing this adventure up..he is missing all the fun it offers.

Remember if your son is coming on the Camporee this coming weekend, he needs to be at the Monday meeting for a head count and meal planning. If he cannot be there at the meeting, the patrol leader needs to know whether he is coming or not for our head count....

Finally....the Troop is required to have one or more leaders trained with Wilderness First Aid for every outing we go on. Right now, there may be none of us certified as the certification is only for two years (not three as we thought) and the bulk of us took it in 2008.

Please consider attending the Training Mrs Kidd is setting (see her recent email) up to assure we have the depth we need in the Troop..This is especially true for high adventure where each crew must have a leader/Scout certified in order to make the trip.....

Thanks for all your support and encouraging attendance...

YiS Dans "Delivering the Promise"


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