Tuesday, February 05, 2013


Thanks to good attendance last night and the leaders who assisted in making it possible, the meeting last night with "round robin" stations worked well for the Scouts..

We will do the same next Monday along with talking to what we will need for the Camporee, weather-wise, and patrol meal planning.

The WEBELOS are invited to join us......so please encourage attendance. The fee for the Camporee are $20.00 (camping fee), $12.00 meals, and $5.00 fuel ( WEBELOs in personal cars won't pay Troop fuel fees).

Below is an offer for some outdoor merit badges being given again by the Shelby County District....As Ms. Kidd noted....the cooking merit badge will be required for all Scouts who earn the Eagle rank beginning in January, 2014.....if he has it now or before then, that counts as the merit badge doesn't change and if it does the one he has now still counts....the Badge requires out door camping meals with the Troop..so have him look it up on meritbadge.com to see what he is going to need to do to complete it.

If he decides he should take the badge now and cook at campout to earn it, then read Mrs. Kidd notes below and sign up.....

We need a leader to step forward organize a Saturday with the PLC (after the Camporee) morning/day to work on our wood pile in the vicinity of the side and the back of the Hut...the front part needs to be cleaned up along with splitting the rest of the large logs that are there for camp fires and the far back section needs to be moved forward as it is becoming hazardous for the Scouts to haul what is split forward to load it for trips...large log in the front that need to be split are pine and we need that mix to have brighter/bigger fires for our campfires along with all the hard woods we have accumulated.

Thanks for your support and for encouraging attendance.....YiS Dan s


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