Sunday, March 16, 2014

Webelos Crossover

We had an excellent trip this weekend...We had a full day of rappelling all of the older Scouts having an opportunity for the Australian style and all more rappelling than time in the past..Thanks to all the leaders who were present to make the trip as successful as it was.

The rain didn't hit us until 1:45 AM Sunday and lasted until we departed at about 7:45 AM.

Monday March 17...WEBELOS Cross Over...We need a good turnout of Scouts/leaders to Welcome the WEBELOs into the Troop at the Reid Crotty Fellowship Hall in the BPUMC on Valley. The expression: We were there for you," applies for the Troop...

Please drop him off at the Valley Street entrance/parking Lot of the Church at 6:45 PM in the Khaki shirt/Troop Neckerchief and sash for ceremony starting just before 7:00 PM. Our own Scouts will be performing the ceremony for the actual cross over.

You can pick him up at 7:30-7:45 PM where you dropped him..or come inside for the ceremony. We won't be using the bus to pick him up and drop him off at the Hut with the bus. Thanks in advance for supporting this by encouraging his attendance.

Out of popular demand, we will have a Troop Committee meeting at 8:00 PM in the fireside room facing the gymnasium to plan out some changes/plans for the next few weeks.. Haven't attend a Troop committee meeting recently? Come and join us Monday.

More to follow in the next day or so.

Thanks for your support and for encouraging attendance.

YiS Dan


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