Art Show, Camp Thunder, NT, PopCorn
The meeting last night was well attended and the program by CPT Skinner was excellent. There were also a number not in attendance.
We weren't really happy with the numbers of volunteers on the part of the Scouts for this coming weekend so we need some parental encouragement for attendance.
CHANGE 1 Friday night volunteers for the Venture Crews is canceled as the Hoover Lion's Club will not be able to cook or cut meat for the Art Show.
Since Friday night is canceled we will expect the Venture to be there at the Art Show in greater numbers on Saturday to help out. ...Except for those who already volunteered for early Saturday Morning to set up as always we need most of our help from 11:00 AM until 5:00 PM on Saturday. Unless he is out of town...please encourage him to be there in his uniform (tan shirt, shorts, belt, socks-neckerchief and sash not required) If he can't stay or has other things required to do, he can change in the Hut. We also need leaders to help out. This is the Troops annual service project, our twenty-fifth year for doing it. Please encourage attendance.
The Senior is going to have all of the Patrol leaders call and find out exactly who is going to come on the October trip (23-25) to Georgia (Camp Thunder) If we are not going to have the numbers to make this economical, we are going to have to change our plans for the weekend of the 23-25. We will do something with a smaller group and more local: backpacking or mountain biking rather than cancel the weekend. We have to know this by this Wednesday evening for reservation purposes..Ask your son if he heard from his patrol leader, and if not, have his call the Seniro at home for our numbers. The trip to Camp Thunder was pre-arranged by Mr. Eggers and Ruth Mathis to include a excellent COPE course/climbing/rappelling for an excellent rate provided we have the numbers. Its a three - four hour drive to GA and with less than twenty scouts we are looking at about 60.00 per person...with twenty or more about 45.00 per person-that includes fuel, meals, instructor fees, and camping fees. Please encourage attendance to make this work.
Northern Tier..less a drastic increase in gas prices due to international problems, we are still planning on Northern Tier for $1000 or less. We have to know who is going NLT this coming (5 Oct ) Monday night with a $200.00 deposit. If the numbers aren't there we will cancel...Sorry, but we have to crunch the numbers now for reservations and planning.
We have an exellent guest speaker set up for this coming Monday and the next as well. Examples of leadership and successful career models are important for rounding out a Scouts perspective of himself and the community. Please encourage attendance if has is just sitting at home and with no other committments.
Remember he will earn 30% of what he sells in popcorn: $300.00 for $ 1000.00 in sales. Please make this a family affair and generate some sales to help out with trip fees.
Or, and, encourage him to sell a minimum of six christmas wreaths. The wreath money shores our budget up in case tree sales may be down this year due to the recession...and we need to keep a strong operating budget.....if every family sells the six wreaths, thats nearly $3,500 we put in our budget.
Thanks for all your support...see you at the Art Show...
YiS Dan s "Delivering the Promise"
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