Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wreath Sales, Backpacking@Oak Mtn, CPR, new SPL, NT, Eagle Proj

......We had one of our best attended meetings last night at the Hut. The guest speaker was Colonel Pete Quinn, a highly decorated Vietnam/Irag War veteran who will be promoted to General Officer in the next few months.

COL Quinn started his Army career through an ROTC commission. He earned his graduate degree (s) while earning his badges for Helicopter Pilot, Ranger, Pathfinder, Air Assault, and Airborne (US and Canadian). He was the pilot in a helicopter shot down in Irag and served with multiple commands as staff and commander throughout his career. As a Commander....he continues to fly the current Apache Helicopter.

A true warrior and patriot as well as an excellent speaker regarding his beginnings as an Eagle Scout through to the present giving the Scouts the impression that hard work pays off in a successful career and that active duty in any branch of the US services is rewarding for those who choose it.

.....Thanks again to Mr. Simon and Mr. Frost for the technical support and equipment in making his presentation possible and for Captain Kelly for inviting the Colonel to speak.

....It was announced by Dr. Hamilton that wreaths sales results are due in two weeks and announce by Mrs. Eggers that Popcorn sales are due November 2 at the Court of Honor.

.....We will be backpacking at Oak Mountain State Park the weekend of the 24th. Thanks to Mr. Branin for reserving Primitive Site Number 2 for camping. Since there won't be a meeting on the 19th, except for those meeting at the Hut at 5:30 PM in Class A uniform, to attend the Hoover City Hall meeting for the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge, everyone coming on the Backpacking Trip will bring their personal backpacking gear to the Hut at 6:30 PM to pick up, pack, and load Troop backpacking gear on the Franktank.

....We completed Troop elections with P Kidd elected at Senior Patrol Leader. The complete list will be published for the November 2 Court of Honor.

Thanks to Mr. Hardy for scheduling time at the Church on Sunday to sell wreaths. Your son is welcome to assist and get credit for his target of six wreaths to support the Troop. He can call Mr.. Hardy for details for this coming Sunday.

....I can be at the Hut for the couple hours or less that it takes for a CPR certification/re-certification for those who would care to..... We have to have a CPR certified leader in all our activities.... I can be there Wed ( Oct 14) evening from 6:00 -8:00 PM;Thursday (Oct 15) 6:00 -8:00 PM; and, Saturday ( Oct 17) 8:00-10:00 AM. The certification is for two years (American Heart Assn). I can do as few as one and not more than about (4) at a time, including Scouts. If you would like to attend, please reply and I will accept on a first come first served basis until we get all who want it in the next three months before 2010, as well as into the early part of 2010 for scheduling purposes.

....We are still taking reservations and the first payment for Nothern Tier this coming summer. Please call Mr. Young and make sure you and your son are signed up to go.

...We are still missing the Eagle Project three ring binder from the Hut. We need it returned as soon as possible for others to share.

.....R Blackburn is completing his Eagle Project this coming Sunday. He needs about ten Scouts to assist. He should be called for more details. He is also taking donations for the remaining supplies and equipment he needs to complete the project.

Mark your calendars for Summer Camp during June 6-12 for Camp Sequoyah. We will be staying a Boone's Place as we did last year.

...If your son is intersted in earning some merit badges during December at the GAC Winter Blast Camp...he can start the registration process now by going to the GAC web site.

.....Remember...he should be considering signing up for being a Counselor at Summer Camp if he isn't interested in attending for merit badges..several of our Scouts have been there and done that, and are going back for more this summere....or he can sign up an earn the BSA lifeguard certification while we are at camp, or he can also sign up for the week long and highly reccommended National Leadership Course the GAC will offer three times during the coming year.

Thanks for all your support in making it work and keeping us strong......

YiS Dan s "Delivering the Promise"


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