Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Troop News

Thanks to Mr. Chris Morrow, we had an exceptional guest speaker last night to one of our best attendance turnouts over the summer.

Thanks to Mrs Kidd and the family for her taking the time to cut an trim the grass around the Hut as she has for several years now.

Thanks to Mr. Simon and N Ng, C Thompson and his Dad were recruited and introduced to the Troop last night as new members.

There is a great deal going on in the Troop starting this weekend with the Order of the Arrow Ordeal at Camp Sequoyah We will have seven new candidates attending: Mr. Turner, Mr. Gunn, J Elmore, N Bolding, Z Gandy, E Kidd, and D Yarbrough....M Gunn and S Hardy are new members of the Pre-Ordeal Team and will be earning their Brotherhood this weekend..Also attending as regular Pre Ordeal Team will be P Kidd, J Kunka, K and J Berry, and J Ng. J Ng and A Turner will also be working on their Brotherhood. I can't recall greater numbers in attendance from the Troop for the OA which speaks highly for the Scouts and the importance of being a member. Go to Coosa50.org for more information about the OA.

On the 16th we will have a special guest speaker regarding high profile careers and the Scouts will begin preparations for the water sports trip that weekend.

Thanks to the Kidd family, the Troop will be water skiing off their Lake Logan Martin Property the weekend of August 20-22. We have, thanks to the Turners, the Stubblefields, the Kidds, the Copelans, and the Nelms nearly five boats lined up, not to mention access to canoes for fishing and some canoing in the local area. Based on about 30 attending, the fee is $26 per person for food and fuel for the vehicles and boats. Please encourage attendance, for as the more who attend, the less the trip costs.

If your son took the Archery Merit Badge or earned the Rifle Merit Badge this summer and scored high, he was invited to the Council's annual Top Gun competition at Camp Sequoyah on August 28th where the top shooters in rifle, shot gun, and archery will be awarded a distinquished hat and place trophy.

September will be Troop's shooting sports weekend at Camp Sequoyah where thanks to Dr. Frank Nelson, Mr. Eggers, and Mr. Bill Benefield the boys will have all day to shoot the .22 rifle, earn the Archery merit badge, shoot skeet with the shot gun, and get an introduction to and shoot some black powder.

October will be be our Troop camp out at Oak Mountain State Park, where thanks to Dr. Frank Nelson, the Scouts can earn the Wilderness Survival Merit Badge, with the Venture riding the 25 mile Oak Mountain mountain bike trail, if not having the opportunity for trail service with Mr. Camp.

November, as reminder, is our annual trip to Shiloh, and in December, we support our annual Christmas tree, wreath, and finalize popcorn sales.

A note on pop corn sales: all the Scout earns in selling pop corn is his to use for any Scouting activity, so it is a good way for him to practice sale techniques and earn money to support his Scouting activities as well as to began thinking about his budget for the financial planning merit badge and some rank advancement requirements for First Class.

September 25 is a Saturday the Council has marked off as a "Scout Exhibition Day" for the Vulcan District..The Troop will be setting up in the Brookwood Mall From 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM with any type of Scouting exhibit the boys would care to set up to attract new recuits. It will be widely advertised and well attended. The Scouts will be thinking about this now and will come up some ideas in the next meeting and finalize them at the PLC on the Monday we return from water sports. We are looking at the Troop rope bridge as an option if the location would permit it (asphalt vs. trees and stakeable ground}.

Thanks for all your support and encouraging attendance in making us as strong as we are.

Read over the Council's News letter, the" Digital Eagle": There are a great number of leader as well as Scout training opportunities going on which would greatly enhance the Troop's potential.

YiS Dan s
"Delivering the Promise"


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