We had excellent attendance tonight at the meeting with all the Troop and Patrol leadership elected or volunteered for positions..Congratulations to J Elmore for stepping up and securing the votes as Senior beginning at the April 20 Troop Court of Honor...Z Morrow and H Elmore will serve as ASPLs. All other positions will be listed with the Court of Honor agenda in the immediate future...make sure you make a copy for your son.
Thanks to Don Russell (Troop 93 and District Committee) and Eagle Scout and JASM S Hardy, we also had our Order of the Arrow elections. The parents of those voted by the Troop will be notified prior to summer camp when the Tap Out will occur.
There are 63 Scouts and leaders signed up for the Butter and Eggs trip this coming weekend. Mr. Young will haul the Troop trailer. We will take the Frank Tank and bus and will welcome personally owned cars to assist in transporting the Scouts and leaders..The Troop will reimburse owners who assist with car poolin. Personal tents are welcomed due to the large number of leaders and Scouts attending.
This Thursday, (April 11) will be a quartermaster night to load and pack gear for about an hour starting at 6:30 PM. Please encourage attendance. Uniform not required.
The new patrol, the Sea Serpents, displayed their completed flag tonight, and each signed the most colorful one in recent memory. Designed patrol shoulder patches are being ordered.
The cost for the trip is $78.00 if the Scout or leader will participate in all COPE activities and the Zip Lines...the fee is only $30 for meals and fuel if the leader/Scout chooses not to actively participate in all the activities. We will meet at the Hut at 5:00 PM in the Class B uniform (red Troop T shirt with Scout trousers and socks. We should return on Sunday between 1:00 and 2:00 PM after a stop at McDonalds.
The Troop JLT (Junior Leader Training) will be given on Saturday April 20th..at the Hut from 8:00 AM until noon,,,,if your son hasn't attended, he needs to in order to serve as the Senior Patrol Leader, attend NYLT, and be aware of basic leadership techniques. the Sea Serpents will attend the Course in 2014. Instructors will be JASM S Hardy and Eagle Scout/ASM C Hutchens.
Miscellaneous: BSA guidelines approves the use hammocks but only if they are equipped with an eco-strap ( one inch or larger) to prevent de-barking the trees. They are not permitted in summer camp due to overuse by Troops the entire summer. Cots with metal legs are not permitted for use in Troop tents as they tend to puncture the ground floor in the tent. Large-over inflated air mattresses are discouraged if the size infringes on a tent partners space. Electronic games/devices, once in the camp site are still discouraged by the Scout in distracting from the outdoor purpose of the trip. Personal phones should only be used to call parents on our arrival time from the bus enroute to the hut.
Encouraging attendance is important as the time spent w/the Troop and it's activities meets the requirements for earning his rank and advancement....the Eagle is not earned by correspondence courses or from sporadic attendance....attendance is earned through attending as many Eagle Courts of Honor, Troop Courts of Honor, Eagle Projects, Order of the Arrow activities, Camping weekends, summer camp, Monday meetings, Troop service projects, PLCs, and all other Troop activities throughout the year as possible with consideration of all else that is important to schedule during his busy weeks ahead. "Fun with a purpose" with emphasis on learning critical skills, leadership and teamsmanship are several of the many goals of the Program, while all along preparing him for his role as a better son, brother, father, neighbor, employee, and citizen for the years ahead.
Finally, Make sure he is marking all his camping activities and service activities on pages 444-447 in his Scout Handbook..he will need this information for all his Scoutmaster Conferences, Troop Boards of Review, and his Eagle Board. This is a requirement for advancement as he earns his rank over the next few years.
Thanks for all your support and for encouraging attendance.
YiS Dan s "Delivering the Promise"